Welcome to my blog! Here you'll find many samples of my finished art, conceptual work, unpublished material, and other miscellaneous jobs. You can find a complete list of my published books at this link.

I currently have signed copies of THE GREAT MONTEFIACO, WHACKO THE CHOOK, THE PUMPKIN EATER FROM PONDICHERRY, and THE SHIKKER COLA COWS available for purchase. For more info, please contact me at whackothechook@internode.on.net

Thursday, November 29, 2012



Giclée prints and signed books!

All prints are signed, and all books have a signature and a small drawing and can be personalised on request. Payments can be made via PayPal. To order email me at whackothechook@internode.on.net.


480mm x 270mm
AUD$180 + postage
Very limited stock available!

'I've Come About The Assistant's Job' from THE GREAT MONTEFIASCO
 250mm x 230mm
AUD$100 + postage
Limited stock!

'And The Crowd's Gone Wild' from TORTOISE V HARE THE REMATCH
 510mm x 260mm
AUD$180 + postage


THE SHIKKER COLA COWS by Andy Small (2000)
Hardcover; Children's Picture Book, 40 pages; 280mm x 225mm
(My very first published book, illustrated entirely in biro and published in 2000. Being self-published with a print run of barely 500, this book is a rarity)
AUD$20 + postage

THE GREAT MONTEFIASCO by Colin Thompson (2004)
Hardcover; Children's Picture Book, 32 pages; 255mm x 235mm
AUD$25 + postage
Limited stock!

CIRCUS CARNIVORE by Mark Svendsen (2006)
Hardcover; Children's Picture Book, 32 pages; 285mm x 215mm
(The Australian edition of this book is extremely rare, I only have two copies myself. However, I have copies of the US edition available)
AUD$25 + postage

WHACKO THE CHOOK by Mark Svendsen (2007)
Hardcover; Children's Picture Book, 32 pages; 255mm x 235mm
AUD$25 + postage
Very, very, very limited stock, only about 3 available!!

Hardcover; Children's Picture Book, 32 pages; 285mm x 215mm
(With a tiny print run in Australia, this book is rare!)
AUD$25 + postage

JACK AND THE ALIENS by Damien Broderick (2002)
 Softcover; Children's fiction, 63 pages; 198mm x 128 mm
AUD$15 + postage
Only 1 left!!

JACK AND THE SKYHOOK by Damien Broderick (2003)
Softcover; Children's fiction, 98 pages; 198mm x 128 mm
AUD$15 + postage
Only 2 left!!